Research Projects
During 2018-2023 I have been involved in different roles 6 large R&D project with polish SMEs funded by the polish The National Centre for Research and Development.
Moreover, I have been involved in the following research projects in the universities:
InXAI is a Python library for Intelligible XAI that allows to evaluate, compare and analyse different explainable AI algorithms
LUX is a Python library for generating uncertain local explanations in a form of human understandable (and executable) rules.
KnAC is a Python library for Knowledge Augmented Clustering. It allows for human-in-the-loop conformance checking between domain expert and automatic clustering.
CLAMP ia a Python library for Cluster analysis with multidimensional bounding boxes. It allows for in-depth cluster analysis with state-of-the-art XAI algorithms.
BandReader is a software simplifying physiological data acquisition from wristbands as well as other measurement platforms such as Bitalino
Semantic wikis for collaborative knowledge engineering
Loki is a novel semantic wiki platform offering strong reasoning capabilities of Prolog, support for business processes and rules, and support for collaborative knowledge engineering.
Knowledge base editors (stable, supported 2009-2016)
HWEd is online web editor for creating XTT2 models, that are run by
HeaRTDroid inference engine.
HQEd is an advanced visual editor for modularized rule bases developed with the XTT2 knowledge representation for rules. Originally developed within the HeKatE project. Extended during the BIMLOQ to include support for rules integrated with business processes. Enhanced wrt
GUI within the Parnas project.
VARDA is a tool for fast conceptual prototyping of rule bases ARD+ method
HJEd is a visual prototyping of rule bases with the ARD+ method
Reasoning engines (stable, supported 2009-2016)
HeaRTDroid is a rule-based inference engine both for Android mobile devices, and desktop solutions supported by visual web editor
HWEd. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License
HeaRT is a hybrid rule inference engine for modularized rule bases developed with the XTT2 knowledge representation for rules. It also supports practical rule verification. Originally developed within the HeKatE project. Later on extended towards reasoning with business processes as well as in integrated in a semantic wiki.
PelletHeart a prototype inference engine linking the HeaRT rule engine with Pellet, the Description Logics reasoner.
Knowledge base translators (supported 2009-2016)
HaThoR is rule base translator tool from the XTT2 format to RIF, OWL (partially) and UML
over 200 reviewed scientific papers in artificial intelligence, knowledge and software engineering
two monographs
one edited volume
three special issues of journals
professional training materials concerning GNU/Linux administration and security
For the external lists my papers see:
for all the papers →
See my papers on other sites:
Google Scholar (Profile),
QuadSearch, Web of Science - Research ID,
Semantic Scholar.